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2024/4/5 1:19:21      点击:
空调不制冷,显示E5是什么意思 空调不制冷,显示E5是什么意思


空调出现E5啥毛病?Midea空调故障码:E0EEPROM参数错误E1室外机通信故障E2过零检测错误E3风扇调速温度保险丝保护E4 E5室外温度传感器故障E6室内温度传感器故障P0模块P1电压过高或过低保护P2压缩机顶部温度保护E5室外温度传感器故障,建议您找厂家帮您检查查看!空调显示E5是什么意思???


空调不制冷,显示E5是什么意思Compressor over current protection1 outdoor unit condenser (that is,终极机器路is too dirty to solve after cleaning 2 inside the voltage is too low (less than 170v) in the morning or night other people's home without electricity to try if thevoltage is low to install a voltage regulator to solve 3 whether maintenance?It is possible that there is air fluoride added more or system put off excess fluoride or to take time to add fluoride solution to this problem if you don't have system can not consider 4 system hasbet (dirty wager wager冰bet) look for professional maintenance man wash the system with nitrogen gas and then to take time to add fluoride after solving the problem of starting capacitance of a 5 orcompressor itself problems seek专业人士6 PC board inductance part has a problemProfessional maintenance man to solve 7 natural environment temperature more than 38 degrees mayalso cause the compressor flow most easily night at noon good natural environment such as temperature drop point naturally good advicefirst take a look at the fin outdoor肮脏don't肮脏to see if the voltage too low energy will solve the problem and
空调不制冷,运行10分钟左右就自动停止。如何解决? 空调制冷一段时间就不制冷了(大约工作10分钟)压缩机就停止运行了。



